Mrs Doyle is our principal and teaches the Junior and Senior infants.

Mrs. Spencer is the deputy principal and teaches 5th and 6th classes.

Mrs. Byrne is a Special Education Teacher who job shares supporting 3rd-6th Classes

Miss Horan O’Neill teaches third and fourth class pupils.

Miss Sherlock is a Special Education Teacher and runs “The Hub”, our resource class.

Miss McLoughlin is our first class teacher.

Mrs. Railton is a special Education Teacher, Supporting Junior Infants-2nd Classes.

Lynda is one of our SNAs who works in our Hub resource class and job shares with Nicola.

Nicola Shorten is an SNA who job shares with Lynda in the Hub.

Sarah Collier is a Special Needs Assistant and works in “The Hub” with Miss Sherlock.

Claudia is our SNA who supports all the pupils in the school.

Anne Marie is our school secretary and works in the office.

Ms. Farrar teaches 2nd class.

Mrs. Ryan is a Special Education Teacher who job shares supporting 3rd-6th Classes

Christina is our classroom assistant who supports everyone across our school.