This history page is dedicated to providing resources/information about local history in our area and history curriculum school work. History is one of our subject focuses in the school self evaluation which will take place over a three year cycle. Throughout the evaluation process we will be aiming to breathe life into the history curriculum and create an environment where history recognised as all around us. Our work will culminate with our 200th school birthday celebration next June.
5th & 6th Class World War II Projects
The following are photographs of the world war II project presentation day.
(photos to follow)
3rd & 4th Class Titanic Projects
The following are photographs of their class Titanic projects.
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3rd & 4th Class Titanic Museum Visit (to follow after trip)
5th & 6th Class Visit to Avoca Mines
(photos to follow)
5th & 6th Class Visit to Famine Graveyard
(photos to follow)
Members of Historical Society Visit & Presentations
(photos to follow)