SPHE/Well Being

The following page is dedicated to the school’s focus on SPHE/Well Being. The following are the areas of focus:

·       Continue to focus on resilience and creating a foundation of skills for the future

·       Creating a focus in each classroom to create the building blocks for each pupil’s well being

·       Integrating our practises in Anti-Bullying, Code of Behaviour to our wellbeing /SPHE

·       Creating a focus of wellbeing/SPHE for staff and our parent community

·       Parent & Pupil Mobile Phone/Social Media Education

·       Working with parents to alleviate stress around homework

1. Barnardos Social Media/Phone Usage Workshops -for parents & children

2. Class Well Being Trips – Beach, Forest Walks

3. 6th class clubs : Focused on allowing 6th class to spend some time together

4. Student Council